But until then, I'll leave you all with this:

Is it getting hot in here, or is it just you?
I'm done!!! MIT was surprisingly enjoyable. I think I represented my company well, along with my B2B counterparts, and made some great connections. Not a pretentious crowd at all. Everyone was excited about how this new technology will take off in the US and will hopefully catch up to Europe and Asia with it's everyday implementation.
Dropping everything back to the store, realizing I haven't had a latte all day, so sprinting to Starbucks as I type this. Curtain Call!
Event number one done. I think my boss feels bad about me having to work seven days this week, so he bought me lunch. I don't care. Just pay me.
So I'm at the store for two hours and I'm trying to get my work laptop remotely configured for this trade show I'm exhibiting Wednesday. I really don't know what's so difficult about an IT guy doing his job in a timely manner, but he is working my last nerve. Headed to MIT for event number two, and this shit better be done when I return or I'm going AWF!!!
I had a 9am workout with Spanish Fly (you know me and nicknames). Everything that was pent up in me and all the stresses over the past couple weeks came out today in the form of Dead Lifts and Ab Crunches. I felt great, but I knew this was only the beginning of a hellish week...
And right now, I'm sitting at a table at work event number one of two, listening to people complain about how they're spending too much money with their current provider, and how their coverage is so crappy, but don't want to leave because they have their precious iPhone. Fuck you.
Is it time for lunch yet?
7:00 am. And my alarm is yelling at me. I didn't want to get out of bed. Too many things running in my head. Too many things I had to come to terms with last night. I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed....
But because I know I'm a better person than the one that was laying there, I got up. I got shit to do.